"My cheekbones have grown back after cheekbone reduction" What's the reason

"My Cheekbones have grown back after Cheekbone Reduction" What's the reason?

The face is an integral part of the body that creates first impressions, and the cheekbones, the most prominent feature of the face, can significantly impact your image, making you look stronger or older depending on the degree of protrusion.

This is why cheekbone reduction surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it can help slim down protruding cheekbones, improving the width of the face and transforming an otherwise harsh image.

Until now, there have been many different opinions on the fixation method of cheekbone reduction, and some hospitals emphasize shortening the operation time and recovery period.

The proper cheekbone reduction technique we pursue is to fix the cheekbone arch, which defines the 45-degree lateral cheekbone, in the correct position by osteotomy and pushing it in.


 This is because the cheekbones are connected to a muscle behind them called the masticatory muscle, which works when you chew food and make facial expressions. As this muscle moves, the space between the bones gradually widens, which can lead to large and minor side effects, such as malunion or sunken skin, as the bone is pulled down.


"Cheekbone Reduction Fixation Also Affects ‘Shrink Effect'"


Most people think the importance of fixation after cheekbone reduction is emphasized for safety reasons, but poor fixation can cause another problem besides safety.

It's called the "Subtle Reduction Effect."

The effectiveness of cheekbone surgery depends on the surgeon's skill and the cutting method.

(①   Bone rasping, which grinds away the surface of the protruding bone, or Rotating the cheekbone to push it in) can also affect the results, but <How the cheekbone is fixed after surgery> can significantly impact the results.

Even if the cheekbone is pushed in by 5mm if it is not fixed correctly, it will gradually widen according to the movement of the masticatory muscle, and the reduction effect will be less than 3mm, so many people seek reoperation with a slight before-and-after difference.


Solid double fixation with plate and wire,
Dual-fix Cheekbone Reduction

1. Wire: Traction to keep the bones from spreading and keep the face narrow

2. Plate: Avoid the twisting phenomenon that warps bones while holding them firmly in place.

For this reason, we use the dual-fix method, which uses wires to secure the bone fragments more closely together, and then a plate to secure them once more to prevent movement.

This double fixation not only prevents the cheekbones from shifting and spreading, which prevents them from drooping and nonunion, but also enhances the effectiveness of the cheek reduction, and the firm fixation induces the opening movement, which promotes faster recovery.


 Advantages of Dual-Fix Cheekbone Reduction


1. Safety: Prevents nonunion and cheek sagging by keeping the bones firmly in place to prevent wobbling


2. Reduction effectiveness: Prevents the bones from spreading to maintain the reduction effect


3. Faster Recovery: Tight fixation induces mandibular exercise for faster recovery


Misconceptions about Wire Fixation

The phrase "Wire Fixation is Old School" is used in some hospitals.

Some patients think the wire is an inferior fixation method compared to plates, but this is a misconception.


Before we get into the advantages of wire fixation, let's talk about the disadvantages.

Wire fixation is more complex and demanding than plates, which is why many clinics use plates exclusively for fixation because they are easier to handle. However, we still use wire because its advantages are synergistic with plates.



Merit of Using Wire for Fixation

First, the material is proven to be safe.

Wires, as with screws, are harmless to the human body and have long been used in orthopedics to repair broken bones, making them safe.


Second, it’s easy to remove later.

Whereas ordinary screws, and plates for that matter, can become very difficult to remove over time as the grooves become covered with calluses, wires can be removed relatively simply by breaking the winding, even after a lot of time has passed.


Third, the nature of the Fixation Method allows for precise fixation of the cheekbones.

In the case of plate or screw fixation, the plate and screws are applied to the bone while the fracture is still in position.

However, in the case of wire fixation, a thin wire is passed through the bone on both sides of the fracture and wrapped around it, causing the two bones to stick together.


Before Wire Fixation -> Separated Cheekbones

After Wire Fixation: Both fractures are pressed together as the wire is wrapped.


One of the advantages of wire fixation is that it induces close contact between the bones since the fixation mechanism inevitably pulls the bones on either side closer together.


Before/After Photos of Real Patients

(Double Fixation with Wire + Plate)


All Before/After photos are unretouched and used with the patient's consent.

Case.1 Cheekbone Reduction Before/After

Case.2 Cheekbone Reduction + Square Jaw Reduction Before/After

Case.3 Cheekbone Reduction Before/After

Case.4 Cheekbone Reduction + Chin Surgery Before/After


<Real Patients Before/After CT>

è  Before (Left), After 6 Month (Right) / Bone Firmly in Place


The small and slender face shape has become the standard of beauty, and facial contouring surgery is gaining attention as a way to improve external complexes.

In particular, the cheekbones are the most prominent part of the face. Suppose you understand the exact contour structure from the beginning and plan the location of the incision accordingly. In that case, it is a surgery with great satisfaction, such as improving the facial contour and image. However, it is a complex surgery involving facial bone osteotomy. Depending on the surgical process, such as osteotomy and fixation method, there are many cases where the effect is impractical or side effects occur, requiring reoperation.


è  Real Patient Post Operation 1 Year


Therefore, recognizing that the skill and experience of the medical team performing the surgery are essential and that the outcome, such as safety and reduction effect, is highly dependent on it, the decision to undergo surgery should be taken with the utmost care. So, if you are considering cheekbone reduction, we recommend you find a specialist with enough experience and knowledge in the field and proceed through in-depth consultation and diagnosis.





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