Highly Revised Protruding Eye Surgery: How to Avoid Failure?


Highly Revised Protruding Eye Surgery: How to Avoid Failure?


It's no exaggeration to say that blepharoplasty is one of the most popular types of cosmetic surgery today. As a result, it's not uncommon for patients to take it lightly, and even more common for them to decide to have it done hastily, only to find that they are unhappy with the results.



Eye surgery is not simply about the size of the eyes or the thickness of the skin but also about the muscles, fat, and other structures of the eyeball and the structural shape of the eye, such as protruding or sunken eyes. Therefore, some eyes are classified as very difficult and complex, and the frequency of reoperation due to dissatisfaction is very high.

Example of Protruded Eye


A protruding eye is one in which the front point of the eyeball protrudes further than the front of the cheekbone when viewed from the side, as shown in the image above. Protruding eyes are difficult to deal with because the tension in the skin covering the protruding eyeball can easily cause the eyelid to unravel, and even if it doesn't, the line is often set too high, resulting in a sausage eye. There is a dilemma if you tighten the fixation too much to keep the eyelids from loosening, it gets too deep, and if you fix the eyelids shallowly because you are worried about deepening the fixation, it will release quickly. Many visit the clinic for revision due to dissatisfaction.


However, there is no need to be discouraged just because you have protruding eyes. By identifying the structural features of the protruding eye and applying the right solution, it is possible to reduce the eye's protrusion and improve its appearance to a much more relaxed and attractive appearance.



The Challenging Protrusive Eye Surgery: How to Improve Satisfaction?

First, certain factors must be considered to achieve satisfactory results with proper protruding eye surgery. There are three main factors: 1. Double Eyelid lines, 2. Orbicularis Oculi Muscle, and 3. Upper Eyelid Fat.

(1) Double Eyelid Line

First, it's important to note that if your eyelid line is too thick or completely absent, it can make your eyes appear more protruding. Hence, it's important to ensure it's the right amount of thickness to reduce the appearance of protrusion. The ideal eyelid is an in-out shape with a slightly lower-than-average thickness, and rather than applying too much pressure to the anchor point, keep the anchor point at the proper line but use multiple points to prevent the eyelid from unraveling.

(2) Orbicularis Oculi Muscle

For heavy, sleepy-looking protruding eyelids, increasing the eye-opening force with the ptosis correction will increase the vertical width of the eye, giving you a more precise look, while at the same time lowering the height of the eyelid will visually provide the effect of harmonizing with the lash line.


(3) Upper Eyelid Fat

In the case of protruding eyes, it is often accompanied by a sunken-in appearance as the upper eyelid fat is sucked into the eye, and in this case, improving the sunken-in appearance by repositioning the upper eyelid fat can cover the appearance of protruding eyes.

Before and After Protruding Eye Revision Surgery Patient

*Note that all Before & After photos are unedited and used with the patient's consent.



1. High Double Eyelid (Sausage Eyes) Case

A patient who underwent double eyelid surgery and ptosis correction at a different hospital wanted a second surgery due to unnaturally high eyelids and eye asymmetry.


TS Customized Diagnosis: Double line Pick ("Lowering the Line") + Ptosis Correction

In this case, the eyelid line is set high due to the protruding eye, and along with the sausage, the protrusion of the eye is more emphasized, so you can decrease the height of the eyelid by lowering the line to relieve the overwhelming feeling of the protruding sausage eye.

Lowering the Line + Ptosis Correction Revision Before/After


We also performed ptosis correction to improve the asymmetry of both sides. After the line lowering + ptosis correction, the height of the eyelids was lowered moderately, which improved the beaky eyes more naturally and relieved the asymmetry to some extent.


However, because the forehead was originally slightly drooped, the line was buried like the inner eyelid, which I had already predicted and explained to the patient during the preoperative consultation of using the forehead lifting. However, I did not perform it since the patient only wanted to improve the asymmetry while lowering the eyelid line naturally. Still, if the patient wants to improve the buried eyelid line, it is recommended to consider it.


(▼Please refer to the article below to learn how to improve your eyes by forehead lift)




2. Overlapping Double Eyelid + Sunken Eyes Case


Before Status

This patient also underwent double eyelid surgery at another hospital, but due to the unraveling of the eyelids and multiple adhesions, the patient decided to have a revision. In the photo, the left eye has an excessively high eyelid line. In contrast, the right eye has a loose eyelid, and she wished to improve the appearance of tired and dull eyes due to the loss of upper eyelid fat and overlapping wrinkles.

TS Customized Analysis: Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery +Upper Eyelid Fat Reposition.

Therefore, double eyelid revision surgery can be performed to create a new eyelid with a moderately thick in-outline while at the same time providing moderate volume to the eyeballs through Upper Eyelid Fat Repositioning to correct multilayered adhesions and prevent future reattachment of the double eyelid.

Incisional Double Eyelid Revision + Upper Eyelid Fat Reposition Before/After


As you can see in the before and after photos, the high crease and the overlapping eyelids have been improved, and the protrusion of the eyes has been reduced even more than before.

Protruded Eye Surgery, The technique & Know-how of the surgeon is important

The common myth is that protruding eyes are more difficult to treat than other types of eyes and have a higher rate of revision surgery. However, there's no need to get discouraged about having protruding eyes. As long as you understand the structural characteristics of your protruding eyes and know how to deal with them properly, you can compensate for these disadvantages and make your eyes look cool and beautiful.

Therefore, if you are currently considering eye surgery for a protruding eye complex, or if you are unsatisfied with the results of protruding eye surgery and are looking for a revision, the first thing to do is to have an in-depth consultation with a specialist who is experienced in eye surgery to accurately identify your current eye condition and diagnose the appropriate solution.


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