"My cheekbones have grown back after cheekbone reduction" What's the reason
"My Cheekbones have grown back after Cheekbone Reduction" What's the reason? The face is an integral part of the body that creates first impressions, and the cheekbones, the most prominent feature of the face, can significantly impact your image, making you look stronger or older depending on the degree of protrusion. This is why cheekbone reduction surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it can help slim down protruding cheekbones, improving the width of the face and transforming an otherwise harsh image. Until now, there have been many different opinions on the fixation method of cheekbone reduction, and some hospitals emphasize shortening the operation time and recovery period. The proper cheekbone reduction technique we pursue is to fix the cheekbone arch, which defines the 45-degree lateral cheekbone, in the correct position by osteotomy and pushing it in. This is beca...